2023 Lunar New year - article thumnail image

2023 Lunar New Year Celebration By Katie Nguyen

This year, Ralston Intermediate celebrated Lunar New Year! Yee Ying Tong Dragon to Lion Association came to perform for our school. On Friday, January 20, two days before Lunar New Year, students went with their sixth-period class to the basketball c…
Ralston Among Best Middle Schools - article thumnail image

Ralston Named Among Nation's Best by U.S. News and World Report

Ralston was among many Grove Unified School District elementary and intermediate schools that earned high rankings in the publication of America’s 2022 Best K-8 Schools issued by U.S. News & World Report earlier this month. Ralston Intermediate …
Alters for Dia de los Muertos - article thumnail image

Alters for Dia de los Muertos By Vy Huynh

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican heritage holiday that occurs on November 1-2. Ralston’s Spanish Heritage class created altars to honor their loved ones who have passed. The altar and the day are celebrated to show remembrance of loved ones that have…
Dana Point Ocean Institute - article thumnail image

Ocean Institute, Dana Point   By Jesus Hernandez-Ruiz

On January 18, 2023, a group of Ralston students took a field trip to Dana Point Ocean Institute. They went because there was an awesome opportunity to go to the beach, ride a boat, sleep over, and do some science! Students were ready with their thin…
LU - article thumnail image

Latinos Unidos Conference By Christopher Pena

Mrs. Tauiliili is the staff leader of the Latinos Unidos Club. This club promotes leadership and its members learn to use their culture as a resource. This club welcomes everyone on campus and 10 of our Ralston students currently attend the club. On…
BMX Show - article thumnail image

BMX show to promote drug-free & bully -free life By Leighton Kostrikin

On November 15, 2022, during 6th period, the school had an exciting BMX assembly. This assembly was on the blacktop, unlike other assemblies Ralston has had. They started with their introduction and then talked about the reason why they do BMX. They…

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Greetings Ralston Scholars and Parents!

As the proud principal of Ralston Intermediate School, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. I look forward to a great year filled with academics, positive experiences, and fun!

Intermediate school is one of the most important times in your child’s life. The adolescent years can be emotional, exciting, and surprising. Ralston has outstanding teachers, staff, administrators, and counselors to provide unconditional social and emotional support helping each student to feel welcome, connected to learning, and safe.

We strive to challenge each scholar and provide them with a rigorous curriculum. Your scholar will experience a variety of learning opportunities and will be supported so they can reach their personal best. Teachers will make knowledge accessible to their students by integrating effective instructional strategies and technology. All scholars should graduate from high school prepared for post-secondary education, career and be productive members of society.

Our practices and policies align with our Garden Grove Unified School District's 3 goals.

Goal 1 - Focus on Academic Goals

Goal 2 - Focus on Personal Skills

Goal 3 - Life-Long Success

We look forward to working alongside our families in educating students to become life-long learners. Please consider joining one of our many opportunities for parents and families to be involved this school year. We appreciate your support and interest in your student’s entire school experience as they work to achieve academic, social, and life-long success. There are many things you can do to help your scholar achieve success at Ralston including: 1) support and encourage them to complete their homework on a daily basis, 2) communicate with teachers and staff, 3) use the Parent Portal to monitor your scholar’s grades and assignments and 4) check their planner on a regular basis. We can ensure your scholar has a successful year at Ralston by working together.

It is an honor to serve as the principal of Ralston Intermediate School. 

Eagle Pride!


Feather Hocking, Principal